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Will Harbaugh play starters this pre season? I hated Staley's approach of not letting our first stringers get real reps against real opponents. These games are meant for that. Especially allowing for guys who've never played together. Builds a unity, trust. Not saying I expect multiple series out of the gate but a couple would not go amiss, building up to at least a half's worth by the end of pre season.
Will Harbaugh play starters this pre season? I hated Staley's approach of not letting our first stringers get real reps against real opponents. These games are meant for that. Especially allowing for guys who've never played together. Builds a unity, trust. Not saying I expect multiple series out of the gate but a couple would not go amiss, building up to at least a half's worth by the end of pre season.
Clearly, there is the need for some sort of BALANCE between playing and preservation. We'll all be screaming "What the hell was he even playing in this meaningless preseason game for?!?" if somebody important gets injured. And if some key player was preserved during the preseason and then gets out of the gate slowly once the regular season starts, there will be a chorus of people screaming "He needed work in the preseason, and didn't get it!!!"
Harbaugh knows this, and can't afford to care if some fans get up in arms. He'll do what makes sense to *him*.
Will Harbaugh play starters this pre season? I hated Staley's approach of not letting our first stringers get real reps against real opponents. These games are meant for that. Especially allowing for guys who've never played together. Builds a unity, trust. Not saying I expect multiple series out of the gate but a couple would not go amiss, building up to at least a half's worth by the end of pre season.
I read Bosa, Edward, Dobbins, Mack and James won't play. Not sure about Slater and some of the other ones. Will be interesting to see if Ladd is out there. Excited to see some the young guys get a run like Morris-Brash, Rice , Johnson and Vidal. Has anyone heard anything about Eboigbe this TC?
We will . . . . . . . I expect to see a great many running plays today;
a) The running game needs reps for timing with the RB's and Oline / TE's
b) We need to see who's interested in blocking on the perimeter
c) Harbaugh / Roman don't want to give anything away
d) Stick sucks
In all likelihood this will be a boring game - without Herbert . . . . . . . . . . I'm more interested in how the defense plays.