Need A Little Mojo

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  • SuperCharged
    Registered Charger Fan
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    Need A Little Mojo

    I just got released from the hospital. A few days ago I woke up feeling "off". Something just didn't feel right. I was having balance issues and being a skier, ex-pro beach volleyball player, all around athlete in my younger days. This was alarming to me. I went to an urgent care where they said I need to go to the ER immediately. After a CAT scan and MRI they found I had a stroke.

    Im very weak on my right leg. Typing is very difficult with my right hand. Mistakes everywhere. ;I don 't know if anyone has any good info that would help. But I understand I am going to have a while before i get my balance back through physical therapy.

    Im pretty depressed right now. I have never felt so helpless in my life!
  • wu-dai clan
    Smooth Operation
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    Originally posted by SuperCharged View Post
    I just got released from the hospital. A few days ago I woke up feeling "off". Something just didn't feel right. I was having balance issues and being a skier, ex-pro beach volleyball player, all around athlete in my younger days. This was alarming to me. I went to an urgent care where they said I need to go to the ER immediately. After a CAT scan and MRI they found I had a stroke.

    Im very weak on my right leg. Typing is very difficult with my right hand. Mistakes everywhere. ;I don 't know if anyone has any good info that would help. But I understand I am going to have a while before i get my balance back through physical therapy.

    Im pretty depressed right now. I have never felt so helpless in my life!
    Mojo !
    FWIW Alpha GPC might be worth having a look at.
    Maybe we do play modern football.


    • dmac_bolt
      Day Tripper
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      “Less is more? NO NO NO - MORE is MORE!”


      • Bolt-O
        • Jun 2013
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        Mojo on your way! I don't know too much about stroke recovery, but over time you will get function back as your brain will adapt. My guess is that you will be on blood thinners and have to do PT, just one day at a time, like surviving a heart attack.


        • chargeroo
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          Originally posted by SuperCharged View Post
          I just got released from the hospital. A few days ago I woke up feeling "off". Something just didn't feel right. I was having balance issues and being a skier, ex-pro beach volleyball player, all around athlete in my younger days. This was alarming to me. I went to an urgent care where they said I need to go to the ER immediately. After a CAT scan and MRI they found I had a stroke.

          Im very weak on my right leg. Typing is very difficult with my right hand. Mistakes everywhere. ;I don 't know if anyone has any good info that would help. But I understand I am going to have a while before i get my balance back through physical therapy.

          Im pretty depressed right now. I have never felt so helpless in my life!
          I'll be praying for you.


          • Craig440
            Registered Charger Fan
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            Mojo from me fellow Charger fan.


            • Velo
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              Originally posted by SuperCharged View Post
              I just got released from the hospital. A few days ago I woke up feeling "off". Something just didn't feel right. I was having balance issues and being a skier, ex-pro beach volleyball player, all around athlete in my younger days. This was alarming to me. I went to an urgent care where they said I need to go to the ER immediately. After a CAT scan and MRI they found I had a stroke.

              Im very weak on my right leg. Typing is very difficult with my right hand. Mistakes everywhere. ;I don 't know if anyone has any good info that would help. But I understand I am going to have a while before i get my balance back through physical therapy.

              Im pretty depressed right now. I have never felt so helpless in my life!
              Major mojo to you Bolt bro. I'm going to think about you today. I haven't had a stroke, but I've had two coronary thromboses in the past six years and have four stents in my heart. I understand that feeling of helplessness and depression when you find out what the hell happened. It's like a shock. The fact that you had a stroke and didn't know it tells me it was not too too severe, and from what I know about strokes your prognosis for a full recovery is probably pretty good. The important thing is to do everything you can to make sure you don't have a repeat episode. In addition to taking some pretty potent drubs, it's going to require some major lifestyle changes. The first thing I did to get my cholesterol under control was adopt a totally vegan diet. The second thing I did was to lose weight - the reason I took up cycling. Good luck to you and please keep us posted on your developments.


              • SBbound
                Casual fanatic
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                Mojo on the way.
                You're going to be ok, it may not be easy at times but you'll be fine.
                Every day is a blessing. Enjoy.


                • Ghost of Quacksaw
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                  Originally posted by SuperCharged View Post
                  I just got released from the hospital. A few days ago I woke up feeling "off". Something just didn't feel right. I was having balance issues and being a skier, ex-pro beach volleyball player, all around athlete in my younger days. This was alarming to me. I went to an urgent care where they said I need to go to the ER immediately. After a CAT scan and MRI they found I had a stroke.

                  Im very weak on my right leg. Typing is very difficult with my right hand. Mistakes everywhere. ;I don 't know if anyone has any good info that would help. But I understand I am going to have a while before i get my balance back through physical therapy.

                  Im pretty depressed right now. I have never felt so helpless in my life!
                  Dude, so sorry for your struggles! The good news is that most, if not all, of the function you've lost can be regained... your brain has to re-learn some things that got damaged from the stroke. So I'm optimistic that you'll be at least CLOSE to your former self before too long. Keeping good vibes for you.


                  • SuperCharged
                    Registered Charger Fan
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                    Thanks ya'll. I knew my Bolt family would help me feel a little bit more optimistic. Wish you all the best of karma.

                    Happy 4th stay safe out there.


                    • Bolts4ever213
                      Day One...
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                      Dam Changed. Get checked. Get right.


                      • sonorajim
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                        Originally posted by SuperCharged View Post
                        Thanks ya'll. I knew my Bolt family would help me feel a little bit more optimistic. Wish you all the best of karma.

                        Happy 4th stay safe out there.
                        I had positional vertigo 16 yrs ago. Two co-workers had the same symptoms - brain tumors. RIP. I was concerned. An MRI discovered temporal lobe lesions, my neurologist said maybe a stroke. My ENT specialist said it was chaff in my left eustachian canal. I did therapy several months and have learned to avoid full on vertigo. Still a little dizzy, tire more easily bit I'm 77 and hit the gym for 1 - 1 1/2 hrs 3 days a week. Watch your diet, take your meds if recommended, do your therapy/ rehab and rock out. You're still with us and it ain't all bad. Happy 4th of July!
                        Go Bolts!

