OT Lisinopril (blood pressure med)

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  • Boltaction
    Registered Charger Fan
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    Originally posted by alex View Post
    Dammit. How come you guys can take it and I can't? What makes me react to the Lisinopril so badly?
    I have been taking it almost three years with no side effects what so ever that I have noticed, I also take the Simvastatin substituted for Lipitor, Carvedilol, and Clopidogrel substituted for Plavix. Four pills a day. No side effects that I can tell so far, except I feel good and exercise daily. I take them in the morning with breakfast, except Simvastatin which is taken with dinner.

    Of course I have already had a heart operation with a stint put in place of the blockage. It was scary and hurt when they put the catheter in the large right artery in the groin, really bad, but during the operation which I was fully awake for, it didn't hurt at all. I watched it all take place on the three TV monitors the heart doctor uses to operate with. It was like watching the freeway 5 and 805 from the air fully blocked with no red cells moving. Then when the doctor opened and removed the blockage with what he called and alligator attached to a line that went up my main artery to the heart. Suddenly the freeway was open and the red cells were racing like everyone going seventy miles per hour. It was a beautiful sight to behold from the operating table.

    I couldn't walk up a hill or climb stairs with out stopping to rest, let a lone run. I was always tired before the operation, and this came on over a period of about six months progressively getting worse and worse. Until I finally complained to my doctor.

    Now I can jog again or climb stairs all day long, amazing improvement. The heart doctor told me if I can get through the first few years without another blockage, I should be good to go with these medicines. Luckily I feel very good on them, but again I felt like hell with out them. Everyone needs to avoid the blockage, it's literally life or death.


    • Millionaire Wussy
      Registered Charger Fan
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      That is cool. Sounds like you got it all fixed. I hope they let you scream OW!

      thanks BA. Something to definitely look into for all of us.
      For Stinky-Jon-Wizzleteats....

      "Pray for strength and healing oh and money!"


      • Millionaire Wussy
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        Originally posted by Mister Hoarse View Post
        Keep using garlic. Its a natural cholesterol buster.
        Turmeric and cinnamon are too.
        i love the stuff.
        For Stinky-Jon-Wizzleteats....

        "Pray for strength and healing oh and money!"


        • Beerman
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          You seem to be suffering significant side effects Alex (most common is a dry cough). I would go back to your doctor, there are other ACE inhibitors he can switch you to. You can also be switched to different type of HTN meds if you still don't tolerate them well (what likely should happen).

          The weakness could be caused by an increase of potassium in your body.
          Last edited by Beerman; 01-26-2015, 02:41 PM.


          • Millionaire Wussy
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            Originally posted by Beerman View Post
            You seem to be suffering significant side effects Alex. I would go back to your doctor, there are other ACE inhibitors he can switch you to. You can also be switched to different type of HTN meds if you still don't tolerate them well.
            That seems to be normal for me.

            I'm going to ask for a different pill. Good idea
            For Stinky-Jon-Wizzleteats....

            "Pray for strength and healing oh and money!"


            • Millionaire Wussy
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              More for Boltaction...did you get an angiogram to identify any blockages and then have a an angioplasty to open up the vessels/arteries? What do you call it?
              For Stinky-Jon-Wizzleteats....

              "Pray for strength and healing oh and money!"


              • Millionaire Wussy
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                Originally posted by SDfan View Post
                I had instant problems taking Pravastatin Sodium (common generic statin). Took 1st dose in evening and next morning felt like a cement truck ran over me. Had to ask wife to help pull me up to get out of bed as I was weak and had muscle pain all over. I stuck with it for awhile to see if my body would adjust to it but just kept getting more bad side effects: Yellow eyes and blurry vision, brown pee, clouded thinking. I tried cutting dose in half, then to only 1/4 dose but it didn't help so I weaned off and stopped taking after talking to my Dr. About 18 months ago I had a checkup and Dr told me I was ready for a heart attack or stroke because I had a sudden unexplained weight gain + blood pressure way up + Cholesterol way up- with no changes in lifestyle from previous healthy state. He said I could drop dead any minute and he wanted me back on statins and advised the Lisinopril at that time. I refused because I just hate being chained to any kind of Pharma meds and prefer doing it naturally and had everything under control before. He made me agree to take my blood pressure 2x per day and check in if it didn't go back down (it didn't)- so I agreed to a 3 month regimen of Lisinopril, and we tried Crestor which advertised fewer side effects at same time. I was able to tolerate both and after 3 months everything was back down to normal and we still don't know what happened. I went off the Crestor but have stayed on the Lisinopril until I Lose another 10 lbs. to get BMI into Normal range.

                1 note: with any of these prescription meds, they recommend once you start taking them you shouldn't just stop abruptly or it can have OTHER bad effects. Talk to your Dr. about side effects 1st and if he agrees you can stop it's best to keep lowering doses over time until its completely out of your system.

                I'm not a Dr. , so just sharing my experiences here. YMMV
                That really sucks. But at least you found something that works. It seems like if we're not meant for something it hits us real hard and fast...like what that statin drug did for you. I'm officially off this Lisinopril.
                For Stinky-Jon-Wizzleteats....

                "Pray for strength and healing oh and money!"


                • Boltaction
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                  Yes Alex that is what I had done. It only took about one hour in all. Amazing advances. Don't ask for open heart surgery, it's extreme and requires a year of recovery. Mine allowed me to start exercises with in one week after surgery. No complications from the surgery either.


                  • Screeme
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                    I take Lisinopril.. 1 10 mg pill/day. It's supposed to help kidney function associated with my diabetes.

                    I was told the most common side effect was a dry cough, and if I got it, stop and we'd figure something else out.

                    But, nothing happened. I assume my blood tests have been good as well, because it hasn't been brought up really since.

                    Truth be told, within the past five years, side effects somehow ceased being something I didn't have to worry about.. To a list of things that will happen to me. So I was surprised when I was OK.


                    • floydefisher
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                      Originally posted by alex View Post
                      I was wondering if anyone else has ever taken Lisinopril for high blood pressure (hypertension). It's also supposed to be used for people that have suffered a heart attack and for congestive heart failure.

                      I just started with it on last Thursday for high blood pressure and it has kicked my ass in more ways than one. I was real curious if anyone else was able to stand its' side effects. One side effect for me is almost total and complete weakness. And I was only taking two 5 mg tablets each day. I was feeling so weak by Saturday I was wondering what the heck happened. It was nuts how weak I was all of a sudden. And there also seem to be profound psychological side-effects. I'll try to describe...Okay, it was something like everything was moving when it really wasn't. And there's also a feeling of wanting to jump out of my skin (while I was attempting to sleep) ...fucking hated that! It was very bizarre.

                      Here's the thing. I obviously want to lower my blood pressure. My doc mentioned that (before I took any of the pills) my body would need time to adjust to the medication. Meaning the intended effects wouldn't happen for a few weeks. My question is, has anyone taken this Lisinopril and had their early uncomfortable side-effects eventually go away in time? I would prefer to keep exercising and hope through loss of weight I can reduce my blood pressure. I got up to 240+ lbs but am currently around 230 now after a couple weeks of exercising (walking and now also going to a gym).

                      The reason I'm asking you guys and not my doc is that I want people that have actually taken the drug to give me their story. And besides, when asked if there were any side-effects with this drug my doc responded that the only effect is lower blood pressure. Which is, as I've found out pretty quickly, a load of B.S. It's far from the only effect.

                      Thank you,

                      I've been taking it for over 6 months now....and I've never had muscle weakness.

                      Here's the straight scoop from Web Md.....please read and heed.

                      Cliffs....if the weakness doesn't go away and soon, get your ass to the ER immediately!


                      • Hard Charger
                        Chargers fan since 1977!
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                        I had the same type of symptoms once, it was almost like I felt sick. I was on a ride at 6 Flags and blacked out for a couple of seconds. Come to find out it was lowering my blood pressure a little too much. Once I got it sorted out I was good to go. It was not Lisinopril though, I don't remember what it was, but it was too much. If you're new to the whole hypertension thing, check your blood pressure often, especially if you're experiencing complications.

                        Good luck and keep that in check. It could make your wife a widow, real quick like.



                        • Millionaire Wussy
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                          Sounds scary, Hard Charger.

                          It's funny how many of you Lisinopril has helped. At least to me it is.
                          For Stinky-Jon-Wizzleteats....

                          "Pray for strength and healing oh and money!"

