Oh Boy...I'm gonna get nailed for this one.

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  • ArtistFormerlyKnownAsBKR
    Registered Charger Fan
    • Jun 2013
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    Originally posted by Fleet View Post
    Im probably going to reduce Dens sentence to 3 days and hope you guys can keep the intelligence insults off the forum.
    Doing A will probably preclude B. Just sayin.


    • Originally posted by richpjr View Post
      Wow, who do I report this too?
      You can report it to me.

      And I will laugh heartily.


      • blueman
        Registered Charger Fan
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        Keep him. Rivers I mean.


        • RobH
          Registered Charger Fan
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          Originally posted by Fleet View Post
          I think a week off for calling someone stupid is a bit long imo. Now that i think about it. Im probably going to reduce Dens sentence to 3 days and hope you guys can keep the intelligence insults off the forum. And i will no longer be modding every post in every thread looking for infractions. If someone crosses a line and gets reported ill investigate and make a decision with the admin/mod team. This forum is for you guys..its not mine and Captains and you are all guests here. We dont want that environment. I never wanted to be the guy who is considered high and mighty, Father Fleet or The Righteous one as Jim liked to put it. Yea that didnt piss me off. lol

          But im not going to sacrifice who i used to be on the forum for what you guys are considering some commie hardcore ruler. Fuck that. You guys want to act like fools thats fine. Calling guys nbames just makes you look like you lost the argument or very immature.

          If someone reports a post ill look into it. But this place is too active with heavy debating for me to sit here and babysit every thread.

          You guys want me to look into a post that crosses the line then report it. I was more heavy handed in the beginning because i was focused on building our community. And didnt want new members getting attacked.

          Go fuck yourselves.
          And that's exactly how it should be. No reason for you to stress and fret over a chat board. If it gets reported, then yeah, one of the mods, not always Fleet should look into it and make a decision, and both guys, the reporter and the reported, should live by it without a bunch of bitching and moaning to the general population.

          When I was modding over at the UT, it pissed me off no end when someone would bitch about my decision, which was discussed with the other mods, to the main board. No call for that. The mods have a tough job for no pay and very little thanks. The least we could do is abide by their collective decisions.

          Preaching over. Please leave your donation to the church at the door as you leave. Thank you and bless you. :beatific icon:


          • floydefisher
            Registered Charger Fan
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            Originally posted by Fleet View Post
            I think a week off for calling someone stupid is a bit long imo. Now that i think about it. Im probably going to reduce Dens sentence to 3 days and hope you guys can keep the intelligence insults off the forum. And i will no longer be modding every post in every thread looking for infractions. If someone crosses a line and gets reported ill investigate and make a decision with the admin/mod team. This forum is for you guys..its not mine and Captains and you are all guests here. We dont want that environment. I never wanted to be the guy who is considered high and mighty, Father Fleet or The Righteous one as Jim liked to put it. Yea that didnt piss me off. lol

            But im not going to sacrifice who i used to be on the forum for what you guys are considering some commie hardcore ruler. Fuck that. You guys want to act like fools thats fine. Calling guys nbames just makes you look like you lost the argument or very immature.

            If someone reports a post ill look into it. But this place is too active with heavy debating for me to sit here and babysit every thread.

            You guys want me to look into a post that crosses the line then report it. I was more heavy handed in the beginning because i was focused on building our community. And didnt want new members getting attacked.

            Go fuck yourselves.
            Permission to speak freely?

            First off, I already know I'm an idiot (probably why the Chargers never hired me in their football operatios department), so saying that doesn't hurt me in the least.

            That said, I've always viewed this place as where I can share my love of Chargers football with other like minded people. And in the scheme of things, it's small potatoes compared to other stuff going on.

            Seriously, what is the worst possible thing that could happen? The Chargers to 0-16 over the course of a year...with enough bad luck, they could lose more games in a row than the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. How bad is that really? Is the city of San Diego going to sink into the Pacific Ocean if that happens? Will war break out around the world if that happens? Doubtful (and god I hope not either).

            Why do we need to attack each other over opinions on the Chargers? Why not just state your case and if you can't agree, then agree to disagree?

            If we keep taking ourselves too seriously, I don't see this forum lasting very long, moderated or not. And I don't want it to die, do you?


            • oneinchpunch
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              I'm reporting everyone!
              Hashtag thepowderblues


              • Boltjolt
                Dont let the PBs fool ya
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                Fleet, I think your nuts trying to read every post for an infraction. Fuck that. Being a Mod sucks!

                I agree , you should only look at things that get reported. I think we are old enough to handle being called stupid...lol. I mean if I get called an idiot or stupid...I don't think that needs to be reported but I'm not a pussy either. I hope we are bigger than that.
                Now being told to go fuck yourself ...well now that's another level


                • ArtistFormerlyKnownAsBKR
                  Registered Charger Fan
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                  I dunno, man. You seem like a bright guy. But sort of a pussy.

                  Is that OK?


                  • QSmokey
                    Guardedly Optimistic
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                    Originally posted by floydefisher View Post
                    No way Houston makes a deal now....not enough time for Rivers to learn the offense and be effective.

                    At 34, he's still got at least a couple of good years left....assuming he takes real good care of himself, and nothing catastrophic happens injury wise.

                    I think we should ride him out for now, and if they actually are able to get a new franchise QB, then you dump Rivers, but not until then.

                    That is how smart teams like the Colts do it.
                    I agree with everything but this last sentence. The Colts hit the lottery - twice. I mean, really...they draft Manning, enjoy a lot of winning seasons, a Super Bowl and then, THE YEAR MANNING GETS INJURED, they tank and draft Luck? Somebody up there likes them; has nothing to do with being 'smart', IMO. Unless you feel they tanked that season (before drafting Luck) on purpose? Now, THAT would have been smart. Unless you're a Charger fan. Then you would have wanted us to beat the Raiders twice and lose out on drafting Luck. And stay in the toilet for another 10 years.


                    • ArtistFormerlyKnownAsBKR
                      Registered Charger Fan
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                      The Colts hit the lottery - twice. I mean, really...they draft Manning
                      You ignore the fact that they actually had to make the right choice the year Manning came out. Yes, he was available (just like Adrian Peterson was available to 6 or 7 teams) but they had to choose himover a certain other guy and a lot of people felt the other guy would be the better player. In the case of Luck, I think that one was more of a windfall. But Manning was the Colts' personnel people doing the right thing.

                      Of course, if you really wanted to make the argument....how about Elway, Manning, Luck? Obviously the Elway thing didn't work out but how many teams ever get a shot at a player like that, much less three?


                      • QSmokey
                        Guardedly Optimistic
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                        Originally posted by Fleet View Post
                        I think a week off for calling someone stupid is a bit long imo. Now that i think about it. Im probably going to reduce Dens sentence to 3 days and hope you guys can keep the intelligence insults off the forum. And i will no longer be modding every post in every thread looking for infractions. If someone crosses a line and gets reported ill investigate and make a decision with the admin/mod team. This forum is for you guys..its not mine and Captains and you are all guests here. We dont want that environment. I never wanted to be the guy who is considered high and mighty, Father Fleet or The Righteous one as Jim liked to put it. Yea that didnt piss me off. lol

                        But im not going to sacrifice who i used to be on the forum for what you guys are considering some commie hardcore ruler. Fuck that. You guys want to act like fools thats fine. Calling guys nbames just makes you look like you lost the argument or very immature.

                        If someone reports a post ill look into it. But this place is too active with heavy debating for me to sit here and babysit every thread.

                        You guys want me to look into a post that crosses the line then report it. I was more heavy handed in the beginning because i was focused on building our community. And didnt want new members getting attacked.

                        Go fuck yourselves.
                        Well, I don't know...I thought Father Fleet was rather clever, alliteration and all.

                        Your bud,


                        • Panama
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                          Originally posted by QSmokey View Post
                          I agree with everything but this last sentence. The Colts hit the lottery - twice. I mean, really...they draft Manning, enjoy a lot of winning seasons, a Super Bowl and then, THE YEAR MANNING GETS INJURED, they tank and draft Luck? Somebody up there likes them; has nothing to do with being 'smart', IMO. Unless you feel they tanked that season (before drafting Luck) on purpose? Now, THAT would have been smart. Unless you're a Charger fan. Then you would have wanted us to beat the Raiders twice and lose out on drafting Luck. And stay in the toilet for another 10 years.
                          It could be the lucky horseshoe on their helmets? Hell, the very fact that the top QB they draft the one season they tank is named Luck says it all!

                          But no, you're probably right. The Colts were so bad for so long that someone upstairs must have taken pity. Yeah, the Chargers were pretty bad over the same period, too, but not for as many seasons, and even then they were a lot more entertaining. So, we settle for LT/Brees/Rivers and no Super Bowls but a decade of winning, while they get Manning/Luck.

