magic and my take on relijohn

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  • SDFan
    Woober Goober
    • Jun 2013
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    religion/no religion threads NEVER work well on football boards
    Life is too short to drink cheap beer :beer:


    • Mister Hoarse
      No Sir, I Dont Like It
      • Jun 2013
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      Originally posted by SDfan View Post
      religion/no religion threads NEVER work well on football boards
      Conflicts with my Football Religion.
      Dean Spanos Should Get Ass Cancer Of The Ass!


      • Stinky Wizzleteats+
        Grammar Police
        • Jun 2013
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        Lets check your reading comprehenssion Phead.

        Read this:

        Do you believe in life after death? Neurosurgeon shifts view on faith, life.

        By Jeannine Hunter, Published: DECEMBER 01, 3:55 PM ET

        Oprah Winfrey welcomes Dr. Eben Alexander to the set of Super Soul Sunday.

        Neurosurgeon Eben Alexander’s account of a near-death experience “Proof of Heaven” is atop the New York Times bestseller’s list. On Sunday, Alexander will appear in a new episode of “Super Soul Sunday” on Oprah Winfrey’s network.

        A strain of bacterial meningitis that soaked his brain forced the 54-year-old into a coma. He said, at the time, his consciousness was alive, enabling him to connect with the divine. He chronicled his experiences in “Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon’s Journey into the Afterlife.”

        He said the experience “absolutely changed the way I look at everything,” Alexander said in an interview with The Washington Post.

        “I look at the hardships, difficulties and hurdles in life as opportunities of growth,” said Alexander, who is in private practice in Lynchburg, Va.

        He said among the things he experience was confirmation that “at the core of it, we are eternal spiritual beings.”

        Alexander and colleague John Audette established Eternea,a non-profit research, educational and outreach organization focused on the convergence of consciousness and physical reality, the nexus between spirituality and science.

        When asked what he thought was the most important information he learned from researching near-death experiences, Alexander said: “It showed me very clearly that our consciousness has a huge component that’s not dependent on the brain. … Our consciousness, spirit and soul don’t depend on the brain.”

        “Our spirit and soul are eternal. For the skeptics out there, they have to study the hard problem of consciousness, and realize that there’s not a soul on earth, not a scientist or philosopher who could give you a sentence to describe how the brain creates consciousness. Consciousness is primary and generates all the rest.”

        Some critics have questioned Alexander’s story including whether cortex was shut down during his coma.

        On his blog, neurosurgeon and rationalist Sam Harris critiqued Alexander’s perspective, saying he ‘s an agnostic about “how consciousness is related to the physical world”while noting that “although I am an atheist who can be expected to be unforgiving of religious dogma, I am not reflexively hostile to claims of the sort Alexander has made. In principle, my mind is open. (It really is.)”

        “Going from symptom onset to coma within three hours is a very dire prognostic sign, conferring 90 percent mortality at the very beginning, which only worsened over the week. No physician who knows anything about meningitis will just ‘blow off’ the fact that I was deathly ill in every sense of the word, and that my neocortex was absolutely hammered. Anyone who simply concludes that ‘since I did so well I could not have been that sick’ is begging the question, and knows nothing whatsoever about severe bacterial meningitis,” Alexander said during Alex Tsakiris’ Skeptiko podcast in October.

        The “Super Soul Sunday” episode premieres at 11 a.m. ET on OWN. He said he didn’t watch the program regularly before he was approached to appear on it, but he appreciates Winfrey’s role in expanding the conversation across religious or philosophical traditions.

        “I think Oprah is so totally connected and knowing of all this truth. What she’s doing, this is a gift to the world, sharing what she’s learned in her own journey.”
        Go Rivers!


        • BlazingBolt
          SLAM DUNK!
          • Jun 2013
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          What's with this guy. Omnipotence is not magic.

          Way to make yourself look ignorant. If this is your true understanding of the beliefs of the vast majority of human beings in the history of this planet than clearly the vast majority of the human beings in the history of the planet have a vastly superior inteligence to yours.

          Of course this is probably not a true representation of your intelligence but a lack of being able to see your own bigotry.

          Times to locks this threads!
          migrated from then the then here


          • BlazingBolt
            SLAM DUNK!
            • Jun 2013
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            Is the dungeon master in a d and d campaign magical because he is omnipotent over his game world?
            migrated from then the then here


            • Gwynning_Spirit
              Registered Charger Fan
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              dungeonmaster.jpg ....


              • ArtistFormerlyKnownAsBKR
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                I don't care what anyone believes. I believe what I believe and I'm happy you have the freedom to believe what you do. All I ask is that whatever you believe, you treat others respectfully. You don't have to agree with them, but give them the benefit of the doubt that they have given long consideration to whatever their beliefs may be and their lives have shaped how they have come to that system. Without having walked in their shoes, it's impossible to know. Besides, none of us knows the answer to the ultimate questions so it's the height of arrogance to suggest that you do.

                Whether people are religious...Christian, Jew, Muslim, Shinto, Satanist or not...agnostic, atheist or whatever...respect their beliefs, even if you don't share or respect the belief. Is that really so hard? There's no point in ridiculing or belittling others. Unless they are idiot Raider fans, but that's got nothing to do with any of this.


                • pumpkinhead80

                  well first of all nice job renaming the thread and misspelling religion whoever did that.

                  2nd, alexander is an idiot. there's many reasons why what he's said isn't proof. if you care to understand what's wrong with what he's saying.

                  they're probably too long of articles for you though, too many paragraphs and words. but they were offered up.


                  • pumpkinhead80

                    i didn't try to turn the talk to religion, you all did that seeking to be made victims. i was discussing how the "religitards" who think a god cares who wins football games would likely buy jerseys for te'o, as will many polynesians. and that term may be hurtful if you fall into that category, but if you believe something silly, unlike others i'm not going to handle you with kid gloves. too many people make too many horrible decisions in this world based on their superstitious supernatural beliefs and it effects all of us. i stopped caring how you feel after 9/11 and you're not children. to each their own only works when we're living in our own bubbles not influencing the lives of others.


                    • pumpkinhead80

                      Originally posted by BlazingBolt View Post
                      What's with this guy. Omnipotence is not magic.

                      Way to make yourself look ignorant. If this is your true understanding of the beliefs of the vast majority of human beings in the history of this planet than clearly the vast majority of the human beings in the history of the planet have a vastly superior inteligence to yours.

                      Of course this is probably not a true representation of your intelligence but a lack of being able to see your own bigotry.

                      Times to locks this threads!

                      omnipotence isn't even a logically possible characteristic for anything to have.

                      for instance, can your god make a rock too heavy for him to lift? either way there is something it's not capable of whether you answer yes or no.


                      • Stinky Wizzleteats+
                        Grammar Police
                        • Jun 2013
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                        Originally posted by pumpkinhead80 View Post
                        well first of all nice job renaming the thread and misspelling religion whoever did that.

                        2nd, alexander is an idiot. there's many reasons why what he's said isn't proof. if you care to understand what's wrong with what he's saying.

                        they're probably too long of articles for you though, too many paragraphs and words. but they were offered up.
                        Can you have a discussion without trying to sugjest people who do not agree with you are stupid? The inability to communicate is the leading cuase of disagreements and sugjest lower intelect IMO.

                        Get your game on!
                        Go Rivers!


                        • KarlC
                          Registered Charger Fan
                          • Jul 2013
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                          Sam Harris is brilliant. He puts into words what dumbasses like me never could.
                          He praises the spiritual human need w/o the superstitious gobbledeegook. It's like
                          he knew the phrase from the book The Vampire Lestat about the inherent beauty
                          of wine in a glass.

                          +1 - I have no rep powah
                          Last edited by KarlC; 07-27-2013, 12:20 PM.

                          SD guy in OZ

