magic and my take on relijohn

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  • Savage Lizard
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    Originally posted by BlazingBolt View Post
    Wow. You are joining in too?

    Belief in a higher power is not remotely the same thing as believing in faeries or unicorns and their is only one reason to make a comparison between the two.
    How are they different?


    • Savage Lizard
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      Originally posted by ArtistFormerlyKnownAsBKR View Post
      You really think that is a good comparison?
      Again I ask, how are they different? The involve belief in something there is no proof exists.


      • BlazingBolt
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        There are several proofs that God exists and pondering the existence of an uncaused cause is a very intellectual exercise.

        Philosophy is not the same thing as fairy tales.

        Again there is only one reason to make such a comparison.
        migrated from then the then here


        • Savage Lizard
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          Please share one with me, I have never seen any proof of god's existence. I don't care if people "have faith" in god, I'd just prefer that people don't pretend like it's a fact that he exists. Until I see some concrete proof of the existence of god, then he's in the same boat as the loch ness monster and sasquatch. I know my stapler exists, it's sitting on my desk, I can touch it, I can use it. I don't have to believe in it or have faith in it. That's just the way I view things, I like to have some kind of proof, not mystical rationalization.

          It sounds like you see things differently, and that's fine.
          Last edited by Savage Lizard; 08-01-2013, 01:27 PM.


          • BlazingBolt
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            I don't really feel like going in to it, it is a philosophy subject and this is not an arena for that type of discussion. There are Thomas Acquinas 5 proofs, miracles, personal experiences etc. etc. I am not saying these things should prove to you that God exists or that you are a fool for rejecting them however. I however think that materialism is very narrow minded world view and that there is plenty evidence that their is more to the universe than time space matter and energy if you look in to it....heck none of that explains our self aware consciousness. And the existence of God is in no way comparable to the existence of Bigfoot, one is a bit more important than the other.

            I am not even saying I am sure he exists, but I don't see why you have a problem with people who are certain of it. I think being certain he exists is a stronger position than being sure he doesn't.

            It is in the same realm as good and evil in my view, can you prove they exist? Can you prove that murder is wrong? See John Connors discussion with the Terminator in T2. Things exist that you can not touch and use and that criteria applied to the existence of God is nonsensical in my opinion. You believe and have faith in things you can not prove use or touch and that you are certain about such as killing people is wrong...unless perhaps you think murder is just a bad idea because you may face undesirable consequences.

            All I am saying is that saying someone believing that God exists is equivalent to someone believing in the toothfairy is a ridiculous and offensive comparrison. It is an insult meant to demean someone just the same as what Riley Cooper said in that video. It makes you look bad when you do it outside of a circle of people who think like you do just the same as using the N word makes you look bad if you aren't surrounded by a bunch of racists.
            Last edited by BlazingBolt; 08-02-2013, 10:24 AM.
            migrated from then the then here


            • Stinky Wizzleteats+
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              Here is a thought. Baby's do not need to be tuaght to lie. (Think original sin) Puppys need to be tuaght to lie...
              Go Rivers!


              • Savage Lizard
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                Originally posted by BlazingBolt View Post
                All I am saying is that saying someone believing that God exists is equivalent to someone believing in the toothfairy is a ridiculous and offensive comparrison. It is an insult meant to demean someone just the same as what Riley Cooper said in that video. It makes you look bad when you do it outside of a circle of people who think like you do just the same as using the N word makes you look bad if you aren't surrounded by a bunch of racists.
                People have different life experiences, we see things differently. however, I completely disagree that my statements are equivalent to Riley Cooper's. My statements have to do with my complete disagreement with someone else's beliefs, beliefs they have chosen based on their experiences and upbringing. If you were born and raised in India, I bet your beliefs would be way different, and you'd be just as sure you are right. His statements demean an entire group of people who had no say in the matter. They are not the same at all.


                • BlazingBolt
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                  So you admit it's demeaning. You just think its ok because it's not race. Strange since you are implying the belief is do you know I was not born and raised in India? I am not even arguing for belief in God, simply that it is wrong to mock and demean those who hold it.
                  Last edited by BlazingBolt; 08-02-2013, 08:31 PM.
                  migrated from then the then here


                  • oneinchpunch
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                    Sounds like Lizard is arguing faith vs religion. A person born wherever can have a spiritual belief without it having it be based on region or religion.

                    That would be far different than believing in Santa Claus or the Easter bunny
                    Hashtag thepowderblues


                    • Savage Lizard
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                      Originally posted by BlazingBolt View Post
                      So you admit it's demeaning. You just think its ok because it's not race. Strange since you are implying the belief is do you know I was not born and raised in India? I am not even arguing for belief in God, simply that it is wrong to mock and demean those who hold it.
                      If you want to take it that way. My personal beliefs are that they are all imaginary beings. My original point was that which imaginary being you profess to believe in makes all the difference in the world. You chose to get butt hurt about it.


                      • BlazingBolt
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                        Whether you believe in God or not does not justify the comparison. Only children or insane people believe their is an actual Eater bunny. A belief in God is neither childish or insane and implying it is insulting and ignorant or arrogant. I am pretty sure your post falls in the insulting and arrogant categories. Same with using religitards, or saying people believe in a magical sky wizard.

                        You can own that or apologize. There are so many things society demands we be sensitive to these days that I find it hypocritical of when these types of insults are made and the PC police turn a blind eye. You technically could be fired from a job for making such statements just like a sexist or a racist slur, but it never happens.
                        migrated from then the then here


                        • pumpkinhead80

                          Originally posted by BlazingBolt View Post
                          Whether you believe in God or not does not justify the comparison. Only children or insane people believe their is an actual Eater bunny. A belief in God is neither childish or insane and implying it is insulting and ignorant or arrogant. I am pretty sure your post falls in the insulting and arrogant categories. Same with using religitards, or saying people believe in a magical sky wizard.

                          You can own that or apologize. There are so many things society demands we be sensitive to these days that I find it hypocritical of when these types of insults are made and the PC police turn a blind eye. You technically could be fired from a job for making such statements just like a sexist or a racist slur, but it never happens.
                          it fully is justified to compare the two, there is no difference between believing in any current deity, and believing in mythological/magical creature x,y, or z. or any of the thousands of gods who have passed along the way side as "myths" over the millennia. there is equal evidence to support the belief in any of these. none of them have any more reason for us to believe they are valid than any others. and because of this, it is silly to profess belief in something with absolutely no evidence of it existing. which is kinda the whole point of the mock religion pastafarianism you see some goobers subscribing to.

                          acting like you deserve some modicum of respect or reverence because you have numbers backing the idea? or enough years of prolonged subscription? or why exactly do you think your position should be held in high regard? it shouldn't. you haven't really made it clear how what people believe in as far as religion is any different than those. so just saying it isn't the same doesn't make it fact. and saying you're offended by someone telling you that doesn't change the fact that you should feel peculiar about belief in a magical supernatural being that doesn't have a shred of evidence for it's existence. and yes that is what it is, i gave the definitions at the beginning of this entire silly thread and no one has refuted that is not in fact what is being described and what you're believing exists somewhere out there. "magical sky wizard" offends you? which word or words in that aren't accurate? sky? i guess it resides somewhere else for you, but that's really beside the point.

                          and hypocritical? i could write 20 pages in here about they hypocrisy of various things the religious do. and having to put up with getting offended by someone thinking your beliefs are goofy is sure as hell a lot better than most religions have treated opposing stances. so drop the persecuted defenseless wuss thing already. you goofs are the ones trying to get your superstitions legislated, preferred, and taught in public institutions. maybe if more people realize it's ok not to subscribe to this way of thinking some good change and progress will occur. the scribblings of primitive anonymous bronze age goat herders to explain the world around them should be treated exactly as that. it was their best guesses at some things without a lot of information to go off of. we have done better, we know better. let's move on and away from this backwards superstition.

